having a billion dollar net worth and not knowing the difference between gross profit and net profit?

Sharing to you the simple story (or a joke) shared by Jay Sardeshmukh,  that explains how people can be rich and not know (or feign not to know) apparently simple things ... 

The joke goes like this:

A rich man's limousine almost hits an old man crossing the road.
The man falls down . The rich man gets out and - helps the old man to get up .As he is helping him a smile of recognition crosses the rich mans face.

"Mr Smith!!! . So sorry !!  I am so glad you are unhurt. You really should look both ways!. You may not remember me , but you taught me math in school. I am one of the Murphy boys".

The old man dusts himself off - looks at the huge limo and says.

"I remember you Timothy . I am very glad - you seem to have done very well for yourself.  You had a lot trouble with math and percentages at school. What do you do for a living?"

"Thanks to you sir - I am fortunate.  You taught me well!

 My business is buying and selling.  
I buy for $1 . Sell for $6. and make a small  5% Profit"..

And that's the secret to become rich !!

A Prayer for You, Lord

Lord, I'd like to take a few minute more
To really give thanks to what I'm thankful for

For my family, my health, a nice soft bed, my work,
My friends, my freedom, a roof over my head ...

I'm thankful right now for having Eunice in my life, 
to be surrounded by my family and friends
Whose lives touch me more than they'll ever possibly know

I'm thankful for keeping me and my family safe and protected 
at all times
Thankful Lord, that You've blessed me beyond measure
Thankful that in my heart lives life's greatest treasure

So please, heavenly Father, bless me and my family, and 
those dear friends, and colleagues that surround me,
that we would be a continuous blessing to each other.

Design my life that I  would be able to stand each challenges
that may come my way, design my life in a way 
that all your glory and grace shine on me, that I shall not lack.  

Continuously enlighten my path and make clearer those dreams 
and missions that you would like me to be into.

For you Lord, is My Holy Creator, My God, 
My Provider and My Refuge, My Shepherd.
and all these I ask though Jesus Christ, your son. Amen

Why I feel it?

Emotion is a message from your soul. It is your song printed inside your heart, it is contagious. And no matter how you keep it silently within you, your eyes will speak these unknown words and influence those around you. It is your song; try to spend some time to examine it. When a sense connects with a thought an energy is created and we called that as emotion, and every emotion is a message.

Everything we are today is the sum total of all the feelings we have experience all our lives up to this moment.

And even if we are not aware of our emotions, they are always produced inside our body. The energy that flows through our energy system never stops functioning. And each emotion has different characteristics. Anger may disappear more quickly than jealousy while the need for revenge is more persistent than jealousy. Some emotions come more frequently than others, and some even stay longer than others. And it goes on continuously, even if we pay attention to it or not, until we die and leave the earth.

Let us examine our emotions and our energy system. Let us observe our body, on the area of our head, then our neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Have we notice that there were times when we feel the tightness, pain or other physical sensation from any of these centers? Those sensations are our emotions.

Emotion can also hold potential dangers not only to those around us but also to ourselves inside. Thus, it is better for us to understand the inner energy that we hold inside ourselves.

I, myself have experienced them too; my throat got dry, difficulties in breathing and the sudden pain in the chest. And I noticed that it happened to me when there was a sudden twist in my expectation.

Until I have learned that our emotions, whether anger or happiness, frustrations or any other, do not depend upon what is happening outside of us, but upon how our energy system is processing it inside.

Let us close our eyes and think of a strong emotion such as anger, jealousy or resentment, and let's go back to that time. Let's examine our body; did we feel some sensation, tightness or pain? Let's try to remember what thought we were having when we experience these emotions. Try to remember our behavior too, some of us may probably utter hurtful words or close their fist. This means that negative energies are attacking our body.

We often blamed those factors around us which we alleged as the cause of our anger or frustration, yes, they may be. But we cannot always have a hand to change and control those things that are around us or even those that come our way. If that is the case, our happiness and fulfillment would always depend on those factors and environment outside of us. Remember, happiness is how we define it.

picture taken from optionalpha.com

Let us close our eyes and think of a happy moment and celebration. What thought are we having? Examine again our body; is there any pain, tightness or sensation? Let's observe our behavior too; some are probably smiling or dancing. These are wholesome or positive energies. Which emotion do we like to experience then?

We cannot control the outside world but we can control our emotions, thus, we can even change our experience from these emotions by understanding how it enter and leave our body. We just have to look inside ourselves, examining how it will affect and flow in our body rather than focusing on the outside world to which we react impulsively, defensively or offensive.

We are the world, and not the other way around. We are the one designing the environment, and we are the one who makes our own happiness and fulfillment: We can always lie down on the grass, relax and enjoy nature for there is joy and fulfillment there, lest we think of insects on the grass and other debris that may fall down to us, it is horrible then.

Negative emotions are just normal, but it is important that we are aware that it is a negative emotion so we could be able to shift our goals and intention into something that is wholesome, positive and fruitful. It is our lives, let's live it to the fullest.

Me, too is vulnerable. But I am exercising it; determining and identifying these sensations, to take care of my body, and I like more the light and emotional experience than the painful and heavy one.  I also believe that we could find more spiritual wisdom from these practices. 
