Why Women are great?

Men are great too! They are great in parking cars, they perform well in sport, in following their daily dietary routines or in enhancing more their masculinities, in creative graphics, and in strictly directing orders, and in showing the world that they are the kings in their homes.

But do you know that women are great in several ways that we seldom notice.  Though they are physically weak, women can endure pain longer than men and that is one of the many reasons why God has given women the privilege to give birth to a child she carry in her womb for 9 months.  Having a monthly menstruation is no joke too while many men are afraid to see blood stain.
Women have higher Emotional Quotient that makes her stronger in facing each problem and challenges of life.  International data shows that more men commit suicide than women, likewise, men have more tendencies to kill in order to eliminate worries and problem because he could not stand it, or could not stand the external factors that surround him.

It is very tedious for men rendering 8 to 10 hours of work, while women works 12 to 16 hours every day; aside from office work, women still manage to drop by to market before going home to render household chores like cooking, washing dishes, checking on children, and preparing things for the next morning.

Women are good administrator and asset managers too.  They monitor daily disbursements, able to provide its family a good deal on everything and could still provide surprises.  Often times, they are the one who can identify the needs for repair and maintenance, and seek the technical expertise of men to render the service.  They also keep and store tools left by men after work.  These are also the reasons why men accord to women the administrative, secretarial and accounting post in the organization. But it doesn't mean that women are not good leaders, men were just afraid to be given such meticulous tough functions, beside, being called the "leader" support what men ego needs. 

Aside from being a good administrator and asset managers, women are more hands on.  They are more flexible and can do multi-task than men; women can answer the ringing phone while brushing her teeth and while watching TV, men cannot do this.  In today's work populace, women also occupy strategic positions, occupying great share in the labor force.  They're the determining factor in the country's development.

And above all, women are more faithful and less corruptible than men.   But because of their physique, the world perceived women as weak; thus, cast to her the discrimination, violence, intimidation and other form of physical, mental and emotional offenses.  One thing more.  It is because.. Women, despite of her capacities and abilities, are more insecure, and men are more confident.  Women love much and embrace things more deeply than men. These things make women vulnerable.

Let us love them fairly.  Let us give back to them the respect they deserve.  We were all honed in a woman’s womb.  Let’s us treat them fairly and with courtesy.  Condemn all the negative perception, abuses and discrimination against women.

