Why People Ask Question?

Can someone tell me the answers to this question? There are so many reasons why people ask questions, mostly is to acquire information or to confirm the ideas or expected output. It is true that we sometimes hesitate or doubt one's position and we just cannot set aside that uncertainty that is why we ask questions.  Likewise, we are also giving the other party the chance to prove and confirm his position.

TELL ME WHY? by: myproudfoot.blogspot.com
People ask questions because something is lacking in a big thought; even in a big great idea, important details may be missing.  Questions are aired to establish details, or to form conformity and oneness; to concretize the basis of our unity or direction, or to have a clear outline of one's role or participation.

Sometimes, people also ask questions to acquire attention, or to establish boldness, or maybe to create an impression.  Questioning can be similar to examination, but can also be a strategy to put a rival or an enemy in a hotpot.

Expectedly, in every question, there should be an answer.
When there is question, there are always three (3) parties; the one directing the question, second is the one we expected to reply and the third is the one listening, who gives out unsolicited opinion and judgment, purposely or not.  In the absence of the third party, the two parties verify and weigh the answers themselves.

No reply may not always mean no answers, or uncertainties to the answer; it may be that the position of the person asking is doubted or the moron listening cannot be trusted.

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